Contact Us

Father Paul Vazhapilly
Parish Staff

Lucy Geides

Jasmine Mendoza
Secretary/Music Director
Church Organization Leaders
Wayne Budrus | Burke Fund | 304-523-3501 |
Pat Reger | President Finance Committee | 304-522-2031 |
CCD Teachers
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), is an old term for religious education for those in elementary and high school. The term CCD has tried to be changed to simple “religious education”, however, it is so engrained that it is still called CCD.
While teaching about God and faith is essential, CCD strives to teach young people to love God and serve him and others. This is no easy task. We owe our CCD teachers our respect and appreciation.
Dotty Hatten | |||
Jim Schray | |||
Kateryna Schray |