
Father Paul

Father Paul a caring Pastor


Saturday Winter Mass Time Change: 4PM

Adoration Tuesdays 3PM: Attend during the Year of the Parish Eucharist Revival

CCD after Sunday 9AM Mass

7 December: Penance Service 3:30-4:45PM

9 December: Immaculate Conception Mass 4PM

10 December: Tuesday 1:30PM St. Ann Circle Christmas Lunch at Olive Garden, Huntington Mall

13 December: Penance Service 4-6PM

14 December: Saturday after 4:00PM Mass, Annual Church Christmas Dinner/Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – Meal will be Turkey and Tacos

16 December: Men’s Meeting 6PM

24 December: 4PM Mass

25 December: 9AM Mass

Mass Times

Weekend Liturgies:
Saturday Evening: 4:00PM
Sunday Morning: 9:00AM

Weekday Liturgies:
Tuesday: 4:00PM
Wednesday and Friday: 8:30AM

First Friday of the month Novena to the Sacred Heart before Benediction

Tuesday: 3:00-4:00PM

Tuesday: 3:15-3:45PM
Saturday: 3:15-3:45PM


Parish Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-2:00PM

In case of an emergency and/or last rites, after hours call:


Children/Youth Education:
Phone Parish office


Parish Staff

Lucy Geides


Jasmine Mendoza

Secretary/Music Director

Father Paul Vazhapilly


Mission Statement

Sacred Heart Church is a small family-oriented parish serving West Huntington and Northern Wayne County community through Word and ministry.  Our primary goal is to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone in our area.  In our Social Ministry we reach out to help the many poor and needy in our midst with special concern for the elderly and homeless.

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